
Discussing mortality in and the strategies the Government put in place to ensure their survival! With  at Canal2 Cameroon


With the US Ambassador to Cameroon

C'est quoi l'obésité ? Comment savoir si on est obèse ? Quels sont les pays à forte prévalence en Afrique ? Quelques conseils...

Dr Adidja AMANI discute la maladie a virus Ebola sur Vox Africa

Dr Adidja Amani facilite la session du plaidoyer de l'approche du financement base sur la performance 

 44e cours international organise par SINA HEALTH et le FRSPLittoral, Douala , Cameroun.

Dr Adidja AMANI discusses Malnutrition in Camerron at CRTV

Malnutrition is responsible for 38 % of deaths among children under age five in Cameroon, and one out of three children is stunted. Severe acute malnutrition is highest in the Northern region. Dr Adidja Amani, an international Public health expert sheds the light on this problem. 


A health worker attempts to convince a mother in law that, she should let her daughter in law to  exclusively  breastfeed. It is the best feeding option for up to 6 months. 

Présentation du Dr. Adidja AMANI sur les défis de la lutte contre le paludisme au Cameroun à l'Université de l'Etat de Georgie (Etats-Unis d'Amérique)
Dr Adidja AMANI's presentation about one of the biggest health challenges in Cameroon: « the fight against malaria »

Volunnteering at Medshare


Harvard Schhol of Public Health- Japan Trip

Tokyo Hospital

Japan Ministry of Health with a colleague Dr Teppei

hBesoins, répartition et projections des médecins spécialistes au Cameroun

 Reception of Consul Pamela Kazi and Public Affairs Officer Roberto Quiroz by the Deputy chief of mission of the Embassy of the United States of America

Un article sur les fistules obstétricales dans le journal Camerounais  Alerte paru en 2013

With Professor Miriam Were at the Global Health Workforce Alliance 3rd forum Recife-BRAZIL

Regional strategic Workshop in Dakar-SENEGAL

Health workforce development in West-Africa- Nov 2012

West Africa Surgical training centres workshop -London-UK

Lecturing at Georgia State University 

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